Friday, 25 June 2010 a book

He took down the slim-line tale of hearts
half-patched plastic,
bent edges to mark pages
caught by coffee stains
and dots and dashes of unknown origins-
like misprints on the page
they trick the eye making sense of them,
drawing away attention away, away from
the beautiful words,
that he restored every five years.
he took down the book, on dreams, of light
and night, on awakening, a being loved.
He took down the book that night, gave it
a new jacket and ironed each page and tried his
best to clean it, and as he worked along
the words many eyes had wandered.
At morning he took the book to its shelf, he'd miss it,
five more years, but, joy tonight, he'd dream her bonny face
by his, she who could read him like a book.
A pristine volume
and always worth a look.

Friday, 18 June 2010

The day that my new bath arrived

As Ariel said in The Tempest: 'Hell is empty and all the devils are here,' and yes, they turned up at about eight this morning and are stamping about, battering hammers, drilling, sanding and swearing in a Dundonian twang. I am in the eye of the storm today, calm and tranquil as opposed to the raging psychopath I was on Wednesday. The cats are in hiding and probably will be for a while. Last night my neighbours called from Spain to find out if I'd given the gaffer their keys, this I affirmed and Ian asked me if I wanted anything from Spain. I had to think quickly. The deeds to villa on the coast? Mmm. A guitar? No, I'd have to get lessons Some Spanish fly? No, but maybe a Spanish butterfly. A tee shirt, I said, would be nice. Life seems to be on a bit of an upward slide, I'm loving my neighbours, my Father is better than he has been for years on a cranberry and stew diet and Debbie the Dentist fussed over my teeth for over an hour. However I still have not had a shower.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

New Expectations

Now i am here, the thought headed me forward, the now of flesh and spirit and from the inner spaces of imagination a rumour of God whispers and gradually I step from that recognised route, that safe way, star shod over a rocky stream along single track roads trekking toward a horizon that reveals nothing I ever expected. Now though with a few more moments to dawn, when birdcalls break in through the double glazed windows and the swaggering sun steals in through clouds and burns indecision away, the night seems perpetually about me still loaded with yesterday waiting to filled with today. Contracters will be fitting a new bathroom and kitchen in my lowly Council dwelling, so by early July I will be able to have a shower for the first time in ten years. A story I wrote quite some time ago will be publish in a week or so and on Tuesday I will go to an Audition to get on a acting course. I hope I get on it, find a bit part in a new reality, recall all dreams that has led me to this future. I feel I forgot anticipation, excitement and I yearn to find it, find the childlike soul that is not suprised when new expectations greet me as the world slowly turns.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

After Edinburgh

Now home, awake at three- I find the need the write becomes overwhelming, my fingers itching to stroke the keys. Had my first holiday this year. Haven't been to great since I fired my psychologist, so it was good to get away and open my horizon's somewhat, see segments of reality that I forgot or choose to ignore, revealing other personalities that are always there whispering as they slowly wake and take the pen from my hand and add their voice to the pages of my Journal. Now though I am home and the hum of the hard drive seems to chew at my memory, so that the thoughts and the half thought out phrases my memory uses to explain dream images, day dreams wandering down Leith Walk, are coincidences caught out place. Perhaps I passed myself that day and didn't give myself a second glance. The old cat was out all the time I was away and now she makes sure I stay put, follows me from room to room as if trying to guess my next move. I will try not suprise her too much.. I know now that the power to act to be, to change, is now, this moment, this present and that forgiveness is here too. I pick up this moment, a diamond on a long stretch of sand. I leave no footprint as if I am the air itself the sun and the sand the diamond calls me too walk unfettered down a new path through the lands of Summer.