Monday, 21 March 2016

In a pub in Lerwick by Adam Parry

Eyes broken
long lips soft as a leer
fingers fall apart
as this old brain spins.
Breathe on me
as legs intertwine.
Those eyes finger guitar torn skin
lips fringe upon lips
old lips that remember.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Two poems by Adam Parry

The Silver Mirror

I think I did this yesterday
sitting waiting for the
light to fade away.

Yet maybe this is not what I did that last day
maybe I was made myriad in a silver mirror. Nakedness and skin sloughed off.
In the silver mirror beside me a thousand deeds of history books.
My actors’ mien
                            lost when the spotlight lets me pause
                            in spotlight darkness
                            invisible I slope off stage left
                            wrapped again in a fast change in the thespians uniform
                            all this I saw behind sunglasses, those things in a silver mirror
                           that might have been and probably was.

The actor slips a little back into time, when his makeup was a different hue,
but that was yesterday and he wipes lipstick off his rubber lips.
I think, maybe the last of the days dance light, a waft of evening chill through the TV window.
Yes, I’m sure, I waited here all day, learning a new part. Like yesterday. Like yesterday-
and then the sun ascends and lights the cornfield where young life plays.

The fickleness of the Seasons
The Summer aged leaves lie
upon the green, so soon as autumn’s greed piles at my door
Lost and orphaned the two trees beyond Winter’s freeze all left skeletal and
held there by an unhurried winter storm.
Too soon, so soon the trees greet the Spring and sleep in reckless
night filled day.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Gravity's Mirror

To be free of gravity
Flesh wing fleshed,
beaten by the sun:
evaporates each molecule.
Up in sun threaded sky
look down on earth
and weep not now
no answers  for us as we fly,
no answer from us up here
up here as we fly
Reflected by tumbling weaving sea.

Magic man by Adam Parry

I was a magic man
where my sights saw such such things
I was a magic man
when I caressed your soft soft flesh.
I was a magic man and a jester
I was a magic man and I had no home
I was the magic man, red rivers in my eyes
I was the magic man before you were born.

You are the magic child and let your dreams dream you.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

The Prophecies of O by Adam Parry

In all these dreams
of forgetfulness
where pain is left
you remain.

Do not forget we are not alone
and a hand touches,
she heals, he heals
I am so forgetful
what is your name again?
Did you find the fame
you needed or did it vanish away?

O. You are not alone
and one day
you may come again.

Weeding by Adam Parry

Pulling out the weeds
this work, unpaid, unseen
in the garden of my mind.
I let the cherry blossoms bloom
by the tall grass growing to the
edge of the sea.
The painters in the rape fields
wave a silent greeting
as I weed until all perfection is regained.