Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Waiting for the long weekend by Adam Parry

Falling from the dark pen onto
the wishful white page.
Turning circles
skirting by forever
never holdihng hands or touching eyes.
In the snow I felt again the fresh glow. To those
I silently say goodbye
never though going away.
Running round stone circles in the sleet.
May I? Maybe
forever more, the wishful page exhorts
as the pen races on ahead on a million mile grasp away along the wishing page, continuing
never seeming to end

Saturday, 19 August 2017

A note from Alice

Down out in the wind
sun glints on this pen
spreads blindingly over the whipped white water.
A  clear view of the wind
here in the red benched half circle
where seasons stay the same
endless summer
weaving gold and fire on the trees.
The Summer man smiles blazed bright
in the red shelter and marvels at what he sees.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Now by Adam Parry

Now, in this bright morning,
golden and thread about each other.
I pause to stare more at the details
of fallen leaves. Not so many.
It sees obviously summer
as the
heat bangs down on me like lost kisses.

No postie came to my door
no junk mail
no 1/4 price beds for sale or charities for the whale
The flame of the still green remains
the same and the foxgloves will stay awhile.
The electric and wires remain,
perfect tightropes no-on would dare

I see a spider-web over there.
I wonder whether to remove it
they are useful for taken out the flies
and sometimes in the right night
they waft in the sunbreeze . I go to-
remove it- change my mind.
My hear seeing beauty at the back of my eye. So I leave it for now

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Dreaming of the Silver Birch by Adam Parry

She spent  the day embroidering the sun
seemed to take so long
but by the time stilled, put away the thread.
All the children have risen from their beds
She watched then come out into the blue, blue day.
In the evening escaped the house heat
and found a stone in the long grass.
She fell asleep, dreaming of the silver birch
and seagulls playing faraway
and the morn's morn stitched new thread
of white and morning glee
and laughed the children on their way
New lessons learnt
this and every day.