Thursday, 14 November 2019

Girl in the green dress by Adam Parry

Met her on a blue day.
A dream sped sky, everyone selling glee around here, charming a
a change in me, meeting her on a blue, blue day.
Not a journey on the bus to another horizon,
where old lovers wait.

Trees and weeds and grass we crushed beneath New Physics in praise of the sea's light,
holding me straight like a hologram, making new magic.

Blue sunlight dreams about us in the still air
I, the dragon, rushes to meet you, in your new, green dress. A surprise.
I scissor you between my sleep
each expectation left unmet.
You have orange roses in your eyes
thawing as old old hearts thaw,
when I saw you in the green dress, you,
had made yourself.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Where Dragons met by Adam Parry

The dragons met in a collision of star cradles,
sprinkled silver cold beyond the Moon.
Male and Female energies entwine, arise,
enmeshed in the shower of their hair,
something pulling he and she apart,
melting the bonds of the time of the
Immaterial girl away from me.
She sows together the edges of Time,
embroidering patterns
that we never once expected.

Monday, 19 August 2019

Saturday afternoon bu Adam Parry

The bus veers through along
the familiar route,
heading me to a new place,
seemed unreachable before sleep.
I'd left everything behind
all my misplaced steps
were waiting to take me to this place.
I'd always be on time for you
and never leaving wondering
if I'd forgotten you- no, not for the length of the
pause in the music. I shared alone with you. That silence of friends
I didn't want to break.
And the wind blew through
the trees as I veered away.
Still running for the next bus that
would take me back to you.
Knowing one more time my face would
veer into your view.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019 Adam parry

Excuse me? Can I borrow a dream?
I've been sitting so long
that I forgotten how to sleep.

Excuse me? can I borrow a bed?
for my heads too big
for the one that I'm in.

Excuse me? Yes this is one will do
and thanks for the dream.
I'l lend you one too.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Beildside 11.52 am by Adam Parry

There were waves of wind over
 the field of half grown corn or
 a white surf
over the sea of green, they slowly went their way
like will o wisps and the sound of a shh
that flew diagonally toward the precious road.

From where I sat I saw a green sea
bordered by the beaches of the hedgerow.
I saw a delicate wing shaped snow  above the emerald waters, sunlit,
where the fishes had their fun. The snow cloud flowed and flew
to the next field and the next until the sea drained into my veins.

Monday, 24 June 2019

LOST by Adam Parry

Where have all my stories gone?
Where has all the magic gone?
All the stories in my head hide
where the magic hides.
My pills are just not working
so I need are my tales and alchemy
I need to let all the dreams reside there to
where maybe soon I'll love again
where maybe I can sing again
where maybe I can love again
with the wand of my pen.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Little pieces 2: WALLS by Adam Parry

There are walls going up all around town
and there's places and people I cannot find

The walls though were always there,
but I just found away around.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Little pieces by Adam Parry

pure heart of many
petty hurts
heal me here
for I am broken
and I am afraid.
Stop crying
pure heart of many
petty hurts
I am here
and I am not broken.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

To all sides...peace by Adam parry

Peace has broken out
in pockets it remains
inside people peace never went away.
But in these peaces
The War never ceases.
No prayer, no song,
no lifelong negotiations
changes front page war,
but peace marches,
bends and breaks and reconciliates,
but, unlike war, peace will never end.

Friday, 15 March 2019

...and then there was love by Adam Parry

The original word
embraces, explores.
That first moment of design
dreams with us
in dark dramas
that word       of forgot memories
begins to teach us,
the only eternal word
spelling out the letters
with our hearts.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Rainbow by Adam Parry

She paints the night
with the watercolours of God's eyes
she brightens the loneliest heart
with a rain of colour unhoped but
buying my freedom.
She got lost in the rain one day in stolen shoes
and a half-paid for car.
Not looking back went to stop
this Fucking War.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

A thought caught by Adam Parry

I take the plaster cast off my face
wear a new heart on my sleeve
I let my blood run off and chase
I leave the dust on my eyebrows to rest
and the hairs in my ears to sleep, but
get them up for breakfast.
My toenails hibernate
my hand washes my other hand
and my two feet too.
The grey in my hair surprises me
every time,
while the grey hairs
on my chest surprise me in a different way.
I  take the plaster cast from my face and
leave my toenails to hibernate
and cut them with the daffodils in the spring.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Pardon me? by Adam Parry

No pardon me.
This uniform for a father
wears always in the rain.
He becomes his mask
submits to his own stereotype.
His mask though is all his own
until the darkening at noon.
Betrayer of his own destiny
sacrificing all for one final choice
some plastic indecision
replicated for childrens' amusements.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

On the way by Adam Parry

The morning mist on the river
camouflaging the waters
into a long worm of cloud.
No rain falls as the mist
snakes toward the sea companiably
round the bends in banks,
over hidden trees.
The mist mimics the river's route
passes over like a kind amnesia.
I wonder if the moil of mist
would make it all the way to the sea,
would make it into a painting,
or a photo or a story.
The slug of mist passes me as
I stare into a poem