Friday, 15 March 2019

...and then there was love by Adam Parry

The original word
embraces, explores.
That first moment of design
dreams with us
in dark dramas
that word       of forgot memories
begins to teach us,
the only eternal word
spelling out the letters
with our hearts.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Rainbow by Adam Parry

She paints the night
with the watercolours of God's eyes
she brightens the loneliest heart
with a rain of colour unhoped but
buying my freedom.
She got lost in the rain one day in stolen shoes
and a half-paid for car.
Not looking back went to stop
this Fucking War.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

A thought caught by Adam Parry

I take the plaster cast off my face
wear a new heart on my sleeve
I let my blood run off and chase
I leave the dust on my eyebrows to rest
and the hairs in my ears to sleep, but
get them up for breakfast.
My toenails hibernate
my hand washes my other hand
and my two feet too.
The grey in my hair surprises me
every time,
while the grey hairs
on my chest surprise me in a different way.
I  take the plaster cast from my face and
leave my toenails to hibernate
and cut them with the daffodils in the spring.