Tuesday, 16 August 2022

HEALING by Adam Parry


HEALING by Adam Parry


Listen what the Dr says

Research these days has come a long way

Open a vein let the chemicals in

They’re there for a reason to believe in

A hope to take as your hair falls out that it would care again

You’ve many more years to stack


Please please

Listen to what the Dr says

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Happy bird in a tree by Adam Parry


Happy bird in a tree singing for me.

He doesn’t know my name but I know it is he.

A blackbird drawn on a blackboard

makes no sense without a song.

The song wakes me in the morning

And holds me lingering in the sun.

Now I record the morning chorus

And linger by a coffee cup –

I wonder if it’s worth washing the windows this year

as the beauty escapes through the scum.

Spring cleaning by A  Parry

A sewing away of silence,

a filing away of my socks in the semi-dark

a filing away my day into the recycle bin.


the sun come and go


unrecalled in the neat pen’s sprawl.

Filing away my collectables

in a precious, long forgotten place

to scatter over floor once more.