Monday, 17 February 2025

Summer storm

I went out in a rainstorm,  I made my way looking like something other down my usual route laughing at the rain as if it where a friend that shared an in-joke. On the way back home though I sheltered under a pear tree half hoping someone I knew would pass by, I thought of my car friend I hadn't seen for years since I declined a lift she offered. Cindy where are you now when I need you? But obviously she didn't drive by, the road was a river and the rain dripped through the umbrella of my pear tree.

 I waited just in case.

Later the last time I saw her I mentioned how she had been missed and ranted on a little about the Car People to which she took offence, I added the only time I like a Car Person is when my own need supersedes, she laughed. But, it was good standing beneath my pear tree waiting for a hero to come along, but I could've sheltered there all day long, but soon the rain had gone.

Monday, 20 January 2025

For the future by Adam Parry


For the future


I strained for the future

I was almost there.

Dew drenched I fell into a pool

so deep as deep as the sea I dropped up to

my legs like wheels

washed into cold salt from a fissure of magma

spewed out from earth fire

up, up to the turning beat of tides,

I found myself swimming

over waves surfing,

salt streaming

my tears away

walking over the wavelets

to that fresh beach beyond the rivers and rivulets

of the stars.


Feeling how heroes feel.

Feeling how cripples feel.

Feeling how the happy feel.




Monday, 13 January 2025


First Love by Adam Lee Parry


She lived now for the moments, so few and far between. But, this moment she knew she deserved she’d waited for it so long. She was talking to Anna when he came to the garden and plonked down his backpack, as if it belonged in that particularly space crushing the grass and the dandelions, and himself beside it, pulled out a ciggie, for a moment seemed to decide to take something from his backpack, then exhausted just by the thought of it lay back smoking staring up at the weekend’s ration of sunshine and blue skies. Looking at him, still as an artist’s model, Martha pondered, wondered. Is that him?

Anna was asking her something, something about tomorrow’s Dress Rehearsal.

‘What was that?’

‘Have you told everyone that we can’t use the theatre tomorrow?’

‘Yes, I’ve told everyone twice.’

‘What about Sam?’

‘I texted him three times.’ Martha sighed. ‘No-one knows where he is after last weeks shambles.’ There was a pause, she could almost hear the profanities escalating to Anna’s tongue. She cut her off:

‘Who he?’

‘He who?’

‘Him.’ Martha pointed to the still life half asleep in the parched grass.

‘Oh, him he’s the just in case, The saviour of the no shows’

‘What’s his name.’

‘Joe. He’s actually a professional actor unlike the almighty Sam. Costing us an arm and a leg, but he knows the part backwards. I had to think ahead after last year’s disaster, all the hard-work we all put in and that idiot spoiled everything. Again.’

‘Why did you even give Sam the part?’

‘Well he’s the only handsome hero type in a thirty-mile radius. Sam alone would guarantee a full house.’

‘Come on Anna you still have a soft spot for him.’

‘And? Despite popular culture and stereotyping I might be old and fat, but I still have hormones and I know how to use them.’ On cue Martha laughed at the old joke. ‘Well, we better start soon or that lot will be pissed,’ she pointed to the kitchen where Lady Macbeth and her nurse were doing shots. ‘Go and introduce yourself to Joe.’

Then, suddenly, Martha was alone in the garden  emboldened by the moment. She walked over to him.

‘Hi.’ Slender and tall, her leggings as bright blue as the clearings of the sky above. Tidy curls danced about her forehead and ears. She waited for him to open his eyes and blink at Martha as if is eyes were stung with salt water or chlorine. ‘Hi. She said smiling.

‘Yeah. What a day.’

‘Have you come far?’

‘I cycled here from Cataline.’

‘That’s a long way.’

‘More fun than the bus.’

‘We’ll be starting soon; come in and have a drink and some of Anna’s soup. There’s plenty of soup left.’

‘Don’t bother yourself. I just want to take in this place for a while, let it whisper to me , or sing. Some places I’ve been to play the trombone.’ Martha laughed.

Then for some reason she sat, plonking herself down onto cross-legs as he had done. Did he see the same shapes in the swift clouds as she did? Or did he hear the vibrations as the clouds met and melted into each other? Or that crow ragged and weathered by too many season, croaking out Bohemian Rhapsody?

‘So, what part do you play? He asked.

‘Can’t you tell? Well I’m witch number one.’

‘So, you’ve not many lines?’

‘Thank God. I’m also the Stage Manager.’ They were silent. Anna’s voice could be heard from the kitchen.

‘Macduff put down that vodka. Right everyone. Five minutes. Please.’

‘Oh well it’s time to do some work,’ Joe sighed and stood his hand grasping the air above as if it were Martha lifting him into the moment.

It is him, she thought, how could I have been so wrong about everything?

As Anna dished out her notes from the last rehearsal Martha couldn’t stop looking at the back of Joe’s head. I never thought it possible. Here I am two years from a bus pass and I fall in love  between one blink an another and the world changes around me as if subtle scene shifters transform a stage. No I never thought it possible.

Turn around McBeth just for a moment.

Anna had stopped dishing out misery and threats and en mass the unhappy band of players lurched out to the garden taking the last of the vodka out with them.

With his sobriety and newness in the group Ray found a spot on the grass, apart. Even so Martha thought he looked happy enough.

She grabbed a half bottle of wine from the Porter’s hand, filled a glass and sank a grass. AA’ll understand. Then she went over and sat beside him.

‘You are very good,’ she tells him.’

‘I put it down to my first director, Lynn.  Never be late and always know your lines and every else’s. Got me where I am today.’

‘A garden in Stoney with a lot of pissed folk.’

‘Being where you are is probably the best place to.’

‘Who told you that?’

‘Told me. I just made it up, but it almost sounds true.’

Martha laughed.

‘Anna’s got a room made up for you.’

‘Great. I’m so tired. Maybe get the bus the next time.’

He followed after Anna who was jabbering at the air ahead of her, she was telling Ray something about the boiler, but he wasn’t listening. He listens to harpists on the wind, the singing in the grass  the same song Martha sang accompanied by the chords of the blue unblemished blue of the sky in in her eyes Martha’s  bursting heart that told of true loves and the only ones. Singing he had always her and she his, singing of all those unbelievable and improbable things like that, and of love at first sight.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025


The 3rd Way: joy, love. Freedom

by Adam Parry


After so much silence joy spoke

I lifted up my feet into a helter-skelter of

dance, frantic, ecstatic

opening my eyes wide

to the love in their sighs, dancing

slow, around, inching laughter-lines


from their lips

knowing for a moment

that their heart beats as fast as mine

and so slow as the song

always calling us to awaken

from the half-light

and dance beneath

lamp-post in the street

as children do

as we never expected to do.


Monday, 16 December 2024

two poems by Adam Parry


A future road by Adam Parry


Tall straight trees

beckons us, before us

goes our laughter

mingling with the songbirds' song.

Grass waist high

blown with our breathes.

Wild cats watch from high rocks

as we dance and play

children again

like no children have ever been.

Together your hand in mine

We go.

A lifetime’s bus journey

by Adam Parry


1.   A memory of a long-ago bus journey, Marillion

is in. I eat a money spider in the dark

at the back of the fast-flowing bus.

I’m content as the music starts and again

as the music repeats, I am content.

2.     Time, ticks, tricks of the mind,

Jonathon Richmond is in, I eat

the rain as I wait for the bus the music in head

sings louder than the rain.

3.    Cascades of trees speed me from my home, Ten

Thousand Maniacs is in, later a leaf flies in my window

And settles in my lap and then more and I make

myself stew with them.

4.   Motorway hitch hikes about me, no music today

I eat nothing

especially cheese.

 5.   All the rivers of the world fly by

as my bus flowed in the rain, raindrops on my tongue I need

as I left my ginger in the bag in the hold.

The Cure is in my dry ears, running for so long.

6    Tail-lights at the Terminus beckons me

and I run before it goes hot in dawn’s cold

a song plays new music a chorus of birds, greenness

everywhere as I get on.                

Monday, 9 December 2024

The story of Jacs Gaugan

I am searching for story

I left somewhere

under a granite paper-weight.

I wonder where when I forget to dance, 

to close my eyes?

Dreaming unemployed Jacobites spread technicolour,

as if I could forget you

as if I could leave you in the past

when how many showers I take I could not wash you a way

your imprint on me. How could I forget you my Jacs?

As a original as a unfinished story, you left your fingerprint on me

it seeks form, but floats off like a feather

lands later, too late for a lover

and for dancing under the moon.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Mortal woods by Adam Parry


Mortal woods


The rain droops the day.

Resigned hunch trees stand thinking:

with all the world's wars and many, many pains

I stand stoically in the rains.

And if the wars and many pains subside

I will still stand tall in rain and in the sun,

beneath star shine where birds sleep

and alone under the moon.